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Mentor(a) Andre Felippa | Mentor(a) em eMentor


Andre Felippa

Mentor /// Ex-Presidente, CMO, CSO, VP, Diretor

Felippa Mentoring

(32 avaliações)

R$ 750,00/hora

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Minhas experiências


Mentoria Excepcional

25 de Julho de 2023 às 13:05

O André é simplesmente incrível! Sua orientação sobre desenvolvimento de carreira, frameworks, competências e visão de futuro foram extremamente valiosa para o meu crescimento profissional. Sua abordagem inspiradora e conhecimento profundo foiram fundamentais para minha evolução. Sou muito grato por tê-lo como guia nessa jornada. Recomendo-o sem hesitação!


Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

Andre, is one of the best managers I've had the opportunity to report into. He is always someone very resourceful and extremely kind. Willing to work hand to hand with his team on any task and help each one of his team members achieving their individual career goals. Andre is very knowledgeable and is always open to share knowledge and experience with his team. I admire him as a mentor and manager. He was a key piece in my professional growth within the Alcatel marketing organization. A profesional and a person who is simply a pleasure to work for and to learn from.

Adriana Pirela

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

I have had the privilege of working with Andre for the past 2 years while I served as the account director for Alcatel Latin America at Burson-Marsteller. Brilliant strategist and smart marketer, Andre has a deep understanding of the marketing process, always fostering creative and innovative ideas. Having Andre as our client has been a positive experience for our team and our agency, since he always challenged us to bring different approaches to communication activities, resulting in a great team relationship and dynamics between Alcatel and B-M.

Rodrigo Castro

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

Fue realmente una muy grata experiencia el haber podido trabajar en el equipo liderado por Andre, no es solo un excelente jefe si no también ser humano. Es una persona muy enfocada al logro de resultados, tratando siempre de llevar al equipo al logro de metas, dispuesto siempre a escuchar las opiniones de todos. Una persona muy práctica en la búsqueda de soluciones y abierta a dar apoyo a sus colaboradores.

Ana Duque

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

Andre is an experienced and exceptional marketing and communications professional, a talented leader that can manage delivering marketing campaigns and communications initiatives while leading a diverse team of professionals. Andre is very detail oriented and always strives to deliver the best results for the corporation. I had the pleasure of working under his guidance and learned a great amount from him. I would highly recommend Andre for any top leadership position in Marketing & Communications.

Julieta Suarez Lepre

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

I had the pleasure to work with Andre on the development of the new Alcatel branding platform and the key 2016 and 2017 product launches. I enjoyed his expertise and his ability to convey his thoughts in a remarkably influential way, which always led to a better final result. I also appreciated his ability to zoom in and out so as to always maximize the interests of his region and the status of the brand at worldwide level. I also benefited from his advice when working on the TCL brand introduction and was impressed by his wealth of experience and the depth of his analysis spanning from the operational requirements to the political map. I would be delighted to work with Andre again.

Cecile Duriez

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

I’ve been following Andre’s work since my early days in Samsung. Andre is a professional that has a special talent to work with different cultures and market realities. Very well organized is capable to blend the creative side of marketing communication with processes that enable the development, control and feedback of actions. Always available and responsive has driven many regional projects that seemed to be unattainable, but his perseverance and capability to mitigate conflicts has been key for his successes.

Roberto Soboll

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

Andre always has his eye on the big picture while reminding everyone not to lose sight of the details either from the execution or the creative side. His ability to drive marketing process is second to none and keep all the deliverables on track and on time. He is a great team leader within his own team and fantastic at collaborating and facilitating with the broader business units and global marketing teams. Andre is pleasure to work with and would be a great addition as a senior leader to any marketing team.

Jon Maron

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

Senior executive. strategic view, long term planning. team member and experienced manager. highly focused and easily handles multiples initiatives.

Fabio Neco

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:57

Andre is one of the most disciplined marketers I have ever worked with. We worked on the development of the new Alcatel branding platform together and I am very impressed with his professionalism and dedication to good work. He is always very helpful and provides constructive comments when the team is stuck with a problem, reminding us on the big picture, but without losing sights on the details. So many campaigns are only made possible with the help of such a great partner.

Karen Ng

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

"I have never had a manager who had a more consistently positive and professional attitude and approach than Andre. He reorganized our structure in a manner that resulted in greater productivity. He is a highly accomplished marketer, focused on driving results in difficult market conditions. Andre stands out from the crowd through his expertise in all the marketing areas, and which he has creativity and energy that is always focused on achievement. Apart from being a seasoned professional, Andre is a truly gentleman to work with and an exceptional team leader that I will miss because I knew I could learn more from him. I would love to work with him again, given the chance!

Paola Vasquez (She/her)

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

I had the pleasure to work with Andre for more than two years. He have had very strong achievements during his managerial period at Alcatel. He is a great and inspiring person and leader who successfully developed high standards for the organization, focused to reach results while developing the teams. He works with passion, engaging & coaching the people, encouraging his teams for empowerment and strategic vision. Very positive, enthusiastic, trustworthy and results oriented. I´m very proud and grateful for having been part of his team and it would be an honor to work with Andre again.

Fernando Fried

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

I worked alongside Andre for almost 2 years, and I experienced firsthand his drive to succeed and his commitment towards his team. He approaches all projects and challenges, with an enthusiastic spirit and encourages his team to do the same. He is always in the search of cost/benefit negotiations and synergies within the organization. He strongly works hand by hand with Procurement to ensure best practices, commitment to policies and achieving saving. He is a highly qualified marketing strategist with some amazing international experience. He is a leader who empowers his team members to positively step up to conflict and find creative solutions . As a Procurement manager, it is essential to have a strong work-relation with all departments, from VPs, to operational employees. It is important for my department to work with leaders who are honest and consistent with what they think and do. Andre is an example of all of the above, and it is why it is always a pleasure to work with him as a Marketing VP in Alcatel.


Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

Throughout my career I have worked in a variety of markets and experienced several leadership styles. André is no doubt the best of all the leaders I had the chance to work with. He is an amazing leader who shares, inspires and motivates his team on an ongoing basis. He clearly communicates goals and guidelines and is always open to suggestions, stimulating valuable discussions and contributions. He leads by example, establishing an impeccable standard of excellence and always treating everyone around in the most respectful way. If my experience at Alcatel were to end today, I would say that it was totally worth it, especially for having been given the chance to be part of his team.

Marta Watanabe

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

Andre Felippa is very proactive, skilled and committed to the success of the company. He has many years of experience within the Marketing field and he is very passionate/enthusiastic about his work. I reported directly to Andre Felippa, and I can say that I have learned to develop many professional skills in Marketing as well as in planning, strategy, management, campaign development, and others. He is responsible from leading the Marketing LATAM team, Marcom Campaigns, Activations, Product Planning, and leading projects with our Global team in China. Working with Andre Felippa has been a pleasure.

Mariana Homez

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

I had the pleasure to work with Andre for almost one year and I have to say that Andre is one of the most professional and enthusiastic colleagues I worked with who really committed himself for his assignment. He is almost contagious for the passion he puts into his work. As marketing VP for Alcatel LATAM team, Andre is always respected for his outstanding balance of strategizing with successful implementation due to his deep understanding of marketing and customer insight with clear result orientation. He is a great and inspiring person not only to his own team but also to our HQ team. His comments and advice on marketing and branding always make sense and also very efficient. He can always provide practical solutions when confusion and disagreement happened. He is really perfect in terms of team work, always willing to offer help when he feels that which I do appreciate a lot. He is really one of the best and professional people in my career and it would be my honor to work with him again in the future.

Christy WU

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

I had the pleasure to work with Andre over the past year and a half and I have to say that it is an honour working with someone like him. Besides his very strong strategic mindset and deep understanding of marketing, Andre is pragmatic and holds a strong "can do" attitude. He is a great leader not only to his direct team but to his peers and even those who are more senior to him. Andre was always the one who brought the global teams together when disagreements happened and a deadlock was reached. He was always the one proposing practical solutions and collaborating with everyone so we are all in a win-win situation. He always offered help even without being asked if he sensed someone needed it. As the Marketing VP for LATAM, Andre delivered excellent results year on year that all regions were asked to follow his lead. If I ever have the chance to work with Andre again, I would do it without thinking twice. He is indeed one of the best people I worked with in my career.

Salma Massoud

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

Being a proactive, multi-skilled and passionate Mkt VP, André has a strong determination to fulfill company goals. Ethical and honest with everybody, he always inspires and motivates his colleagues naturally. As a trustworthy individual I will always hold him in the highest esteem.

Raphael Rocha

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

Being an high executive in a quite different cultural working environment, Andre was extremely balanced in playing his role as CMO. Korean culture is not a easy one to adapted to but Andre did it quite successfully and I admire him for that especially because it was Samsung culture where he had to experience(most extreme Korean business culture). He is a great marketer and a leader and I guess I wouldn't even need to say this. He is Andre Felippa, my Brazilian marketing executive and my friend.

Chaewon Kim

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

André is an inspiring leader who walks the talk. Doors always opened to support and guide the team, he consistently brings valuable insights and leadership

Helvio Kanamaru

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:56

I have worked with Andre when he was the Vice President of Marketing Latin America and Brazil at Samsung Eletronics. He is one of the most correct and ethical professionals that I have ever worked with. That posture inspires everyone around him to becomer better versions of themselves and to reach the objectives with more excellence and in a complete way. I´m very proud for having been part of his team and I am sure that the company that has Andre as a leader already starts the game winning.

Carolina Corrales

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:19

“I’ve been working with Andre in the last year at Mondelez. He is a great leader, with very strong strategic skills and teamwork ability. He has always brought important external insights and ways to bring faster and stronger results”

Tamara Kulb

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:19

“Andre as Regional Category President was a great partner to develop ecommerce ,with his belief in the power of experimenting, learning by doing and the need to move fast to action . He is a leader that understands the new pace of change and stimulates the teams to open to new initiatives and operate in the uncomfort zone. “

maria mujica

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:18

Andre is a reference in leadership for having in his style the empathy to lead his team and his genuine interest in developing people. In addition to all the skills of a C Level, Andre stands out for his strategic ability to put the consumer at the center of all business decisions. As my direct manager, Andre has always been very close to the Insights area, supporting methodological discussions and leading the team in transforming insights into action. It was a great pleasure to have Andre as my manager and I would certainly support him at other times of his career. Thank you Andre for all your support and trust!

Tati Gracia

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:18

Andre, is an excellent marketing professional with a systematic approach who develops breakthrough insights. He brought us several great innovations and successful marketing campaigns. He also developed a high caliber marketing team. He has a broad perspective regarding overall business elements, is an inspiring leader and has proved successfully taken his team and the organization through challenging moments. Andre is a leader that I would working with as a unique partner to the development of the business.

Adriana Hernández

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:18

I have worked reporting for many C-levels in my career. Just a few of them I can compare with Andre. Andre combines his incredible talent for managing people and commitment to transformation with an extraordinary sense of strategy. Andre is very open for listening and sensible to demonstrate his vulnerability in a very humble way when he doesn’t know about a specific subject, by other side he is very polite and super patient to explain and make everybody aware when he is some miles ahead with his relentless and inspiring way of thinking. It was a very engaging experience to work with Andre. I learned a lot!

Diego Dumont

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:18

Andre is a highly regarded professional who combines a challenging mindset, strong leadership and a collaborative approach to deliver business results. He has a proven track record and the respect of everyone across the organisation.

Clive Jones

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:13

Andre as president of LA's Powder Drinks and Meals business was a great partner to me as General Manager of Mexico and President of Brazil. Andre always encouraged the empowerment of local teams and the focus on the consumer. Andre is a good listener, receptive to the ideas of others. It was a pleasure working with Andre.

Carlos de la Torre

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:13

Andre has demonstrated to be an inspiring leader for the Meals team and a great partner to the Leadership Team in Latin America. We worked closely with the Region team in developing a vision and defining a path for Business Growth.

Liza Manocchio

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:13

I worked very close to Andre and I was very pleased to know he is a very strategic and also excellent in execution, he led great achievements in improving a very important brand for the company

Paulo Campbell

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24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:13

Andre is a great professional, communicator and marketeer! I have worked with him for the past few years as he led our Powdered Beverage and Meals categories for Latin America. He brings new thinking and creativity and challenges the status quo.

Lisa Gibbons

Recomendação via Linkedin

24 de Agosto de 2022 às 11:13

I worked with Andre when leading MDLZ Brazil as General Manager and he was the category president for LA. In my opinion André is a highly strategic executive with strong focus on consumers insights as well as powerful brands development. Besides, he’s a great professional with the highest levels in business ethics; the kind of executive you can count on and work with full openness an transparency.

Augusto Lemos

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90 minutos

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5,0/5 (32)

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Aceleração Administração Agilidade B2C Estratégias Inovação Marketing Digital Planejamento Estratégico

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  • Mentor /// Ex-Presidente, CMO, CSO, VP, Diretor

    Felippa Mentoring

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(32 avaliações)

R$ 750,00/hora