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Mentor(a) Alexandre Prado | Mentor(a) em eMentor


Alexandre Prado

Executive Director | Financial Services for Individuals



(4 avaliações)

R$ 700,00/hora

Como posso te ajudar?

Minhas experiências


Mentoria excelente!!

2 de Novembro de 2022 às 10:55

Sessão extremamente proveitosa, dicas valiosas.


Recomendação via Linkedin

15 de Dezembro de 2021 às 21:50

I have worked with Alexandre Prado (Ale) for 2 years at Conta Azul. He is a tremendous professional who always manage to conciliate great business acumen with a strong sense of partnership and collaboration. Also, he is one of the most skilled person I have ever met when it comes to numbers and strategies. In addition, was a true pleasure have worked with Ale, learn with his management skills, and any team would be stronger with him.

Alexandre Takahashi Albert

Recomendação via Linkedin

15 de Dezembro de 2021 às 21:50

Alexandre was an excellent student that always came up with creative solutions. In recent years I could see how that student became a dedicated and successful professional capable to deal and solve problems on different areas.

Alisson Fernandes

Contribuiu bastante!

28 de Setembro de 2021 às 11:07

Valeu a pena a indicação!

André Augusto

Principais números

180 minutos

Tempo de mentoria realizado

5,0/5 (4)

Avaliação média


Diversificação Estratégias Growth MVP Negociação Novos Negócios Product Management Validação

Onde já esteve

  • Executive Director | Financial Services for Individuals


Mais informações

(4 avaliações)

R$ 700,00/hora