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Mentor(a) Alessandro Leal | Mentor(a) em eMentor


Alessandro Leal

Head of Google for Education - South America


(50 avaliações)

R$ 500,00/hora

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10 de Maio de 2022 às 17:13

O Alessandro trouxe informações valiosas (e verdadeiras, sentimos exatamente tudo o que ele falou na pele! Hehehe)
Ele tem muita experiência e consegue passar bem isso. Mesmo não tendo slides, não foi uma palestra ~~li um livro e falei sobre’’. Foi direto na experiência que ele tem demais!!

Gustavo Garcia


10 de Maio de 2022 às 17:13

O Alessandro trouxe informações valiosas (e verdadeiras, sentimos exatamente tudo o que ele falou na pele! Hehehe)Ele tem muita experiência e consegue passar bem isso. Mesmo não tendo slides, não foi uma palestra ''li um livro e falei sobre’’. Foi direto na experiência que ele tem demais!!

Gustavo Garcia

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro is a great professional, updated, dynamic, intelligent and very committed to the company's success. I had the oportunity to work closely to him on some special projects and I admire his relationship ability and professionalism sense. He is the one to be followed!

Ronaldo Motta

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro has a great business vision and focus in results. He has the capacity to inspire the team, pairs and customers to work together to archive the goal. He is also a self-starter person, with excellent communication skills and an excelent eye for searching new opportunities.

Andre C.

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

I had the chance to work with Alessandro, amongst its characteristics are distinguished, positive, management for results and objective. I recommend this professional.

Horacio Menin

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro was one of the best, pro-active, team working IT services client, during our stay in Souza Cruz (British-American Tobacco). Very fast thinking, excellent communication and results driven professional, whom I fully recommend.

Sergio Hart

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro Leal is fully commited with the company and his goals. He is quite focus and leads his action in order to keep all the team focusing on the activities that can help them to achive their main targets. He is a very dedicate person and has a high level of professionalism. KL


Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

I worked directly with him. It is a dedicated professional, focused on strategy and results, expert of the telecommunications market segment in the corporate and business

Ana Marçal, MScAna

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

I had the opportunity to know Alessandro while we were in the Business Adminstration Master´s at PUC-Rio. At that time I could see a high skilled professional, with a very important backgroung including passages as manager in multinational companies. After that, we had worked together at Oi and even not reporting directly to him, we had the opportunity to work in related areas as sales, channels and marketing strategy, dealing with related subjects. Not surprisingly, he had always demonstrated the same strong skills showing he realy is a highly differentiated professional.

Vinícius VidalVinícius Vidal

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

I joined BAT at the same Management Trainee Programme as Alessandro. He is a talented and will always facilitate work by creating a friendly environment. Alessandro's background in Marketing Finance, specially in a company like Souza Cruz, will be a diferential in his credentials.

Mauro Neves

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro and I shared the same passion for working in a forward-thinking Telecommunications company who has been on the forefront of Strategic Marketing and Business Development in Brazil: Oi. I had the privilege to work with him on the development of strategies to sell-train-distribute-install-maintain the then recently launched IP VPN product portfolio. He was such a sport: no matter how much work and obstacles there were, he dealt with them with lots of competence, creativity, energy and a keen sense of humor. Would definitely enjoy working with him again!

Harding Leite

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro foi sempre um grande companheiro e amigo e demonstra ser um grande profissional. Grande abraço irmão, Alfredo.

Alfredo SertãAlfredo Sertã

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

I had the opportunity to work with Alessandro in several opportunities during 2007-2008 in Oi and I could see an enthusiastic professional, committed with results, hands on and with a great knowledge in telecommunications market. Adding relationship ability with fast thinking he knows how to involve people to solve problems. Definitely I recommend.

Nelson Custodio Silveira Neto

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro has a solid background and is a results-oriented executive with high capacity to cultivate inter-personal relationships and thus develop winning teams.

Martim Francisco

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro, is business and team oriented, with a good school degree. Hi is a great person..

Alexandre Marques

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro is a very skilled and experienced professional. He has been in different key positions, ranging from Financing, through Sales and to Strategic Planning, also in some different industries. He is one of the most complete professionals I've ever had the chance to know.

Andre Neiva

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro é um executivo com grande visão estratégica, sólida capacidade de planejamento e orientação para resultados. Em todas as oportunidades na Oi onde tivemos contato, pude perceber o seu compromisso com o sucesso do negócio.

Rogerio Tavares

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

I had the opportunity to work with him several times on different projects and definitely he has an excellent background and relationship abilities, moreover a hard worker focused on results. I Would definitely enjoy working with him again. Highly recommend.

Alexandre Ferreira Oliveira

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro is a professional skilled in dealing with people and with great analytical capacity. Example of leadership for any company.

Fernando Richa

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessando is very results oriented while having strong political savvy skills. He is very senior and knows how to get things done through his team.

Felipe Araujo

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:09

Alessandro is a result-oriented executive with strong analytical skills. I would definitely work with him again.

Gustavo Vilardo

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro Leal is fully commited with the company, his goals and all of the team. He is quite focus and leads his action in order to keep all the team focusing on the activities that can help them to achive their main targets. He is a very dedicate person and has a very good sense of team.

Eduardo Teixeira

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

I met Alessandro when he was a finance analyst working in the marketing area of Souza Cruz. I was very impressed with his work, always trying to understand details of the operation, searching for synergies between areas, despite the difficulties and technical differences that can easily turn friends into enemies. Alessandro is a rare professional; committed and very bright, the kind of partner that I would always like to have by my side in a project.

Jairo Alberto Grynberg

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a great professional with a strong drive and passion to deliver results. He is also a very good manager that know how to inspire and motivate high performance teams. It was a great pleasure to work with Alessandro

Alexandre Carpenter

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

More than compentente, Alessandro shows a simple and very objective way in the relationship with his team and colleagues.

Evllyn Vianna

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a very reliable, inteligent and sensible person. It was very good to work and develope some projects with him. He has great people skills and always look after his team.

Ana Lucia Selvatici

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro had outstanding performance when he worked at Souza Cruz. He had shown strong leadership, strategic view, business skills and excellent drive.

Vicente Costa

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a reliable partner. We worked together on some projects at Telemar, and during that time he demonstrated his ability on building productive relationships within different areas.

André Mello

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro sempre foi bastante articulado, ambicioso de forma positiva e com facilidade para construir relacionamentos profissionais e pessoais. Sua determinação é algo marcante, ele realmente sabe o que quer, planeja e executa até conseguir. São executivos desse porte que todas as empresas precisam.

Richard Vinhosa

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

I know Alessandro since we were 11 years old and I can say that he is practically a brother. Very professional, intelligent, with quick thinking and always result oriented. Passed by large companies and always left his trademark.

Marcelo Barbosa

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

I have the opportunity to work with Alessandro not only in Souza Cruz but also in Oi/Telemar . His complete profile contributes to his sucess in diverse areas, considering his finance background mergered with sales and planning experience. Besides his business competence, his teamworking spirit differenciates him even more as an excellent professional.

Valeska Gadelha

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a straight forward professional, well skilled both in finance and marketing, who is able to achieve very good results always rethinking and reinventing the way work is done.

Francisco Maiolino

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

I was very happy when I knew I would be working with Alessandro. During our first team meeting, I had no doubt that I would be working with one of the best managers of the company. I strongly recomend him, not only because of his deep business knowledge, but also, for his interpersonal skills.

Peter SharpPeter Sharp

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a high qualified professional with deep technical skills in planning and sale management. He is intelligent, dynamic and hands on. Alessandro has strong personality that enables him to be always well centered positioned. I truly recommend him.

Gaspar Carreira Jr.

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

It was always a pleasure to work with Alessandro. Nothing was too much trouble and he always prompt to respond to all financial requests that the Brand Marketing team made. He is a great professional and enjoyable company.

Adrian Finch

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a very result oriented guy, he has strong skills in Finances and knows how to put "passion" and "drive" to get results through people. We worked together in different areas in the past, but he knowed how to promote interaction between Comercial and Finance people, always putting everybody in a positive perspective, to finalize he has a great sense of humor.

Juan Garcia

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro has definitly the CEO profile. Across the diversified positions in his career, he demosntrated leadesrship and evident achievements, especially by establishing a shared vision to lead his teams. Great analytical and communication skills and quality and clarity of thought.

Fabio Grillo

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a great professional, fucused on results, with a large experience in management areas, specially sales, strategic planning a lot of activities in management areas!

Otto Heinisch

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

I have known Alessandro since he we were interns, and have seen him progress in his career first hand. He is a well-rounded professional, driven, result-oriented, and always insightful. Alessandro combines an analytical mindset with deep business acumen. He brings a positive can-do attitude to the table, and I welcome the opportunity to work with him whenever it is possible.

Paulo Alves

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is one of the most brilliant persons that I know. It's great to work as a partner and as a team member or manager. Ale also is strongly results oriented and solve problems easily.

Alessandra Scilla

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a high experienced professional with an excellent knowledge of Services Industry. He is driven to obtain the best results, but always concerned to develop his team, identifying the points to be improved in each individual and providing coaching and feedback to them.

Jorge Rodrigues

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro a part from all the technical and leadership characteristics mentioned in his recommendations, innovation is present in his way of thiking and he has the abilitity to use it linked with the company strategy. Another important natural impact Alessandro causes in his team is his charisma. Great teamworker.

Jurema Mellone

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Trabalhamos como colegas em diferentes áreas da Souza Cruz e posteriormente trabalhamos em uma relação de consultoria na Oi - Telemar. Alessandro sempre foi um parceiro, com uma capacidade intelectual e de execução surpreendente, capaz de ser bem sucedido frente a todos os desafios que já o ví enfrentar. Consegue combinar competencias de planejamento de curto e longo prazo com a disciplina necessária para garantir a consequente execução.

Leonardo Salgado

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro é um profissional bem acima da média, ele tem grande visão estrattégica e muita facilidade para focar no que realmente importa. Seu talento é nato e apesar de tantos atributos positivos, ele não perde a humildade e a vontade de aprender. É um profissonal completo,e com toda certeza faria sucesso em qualquer empresa.

Alfredo Jinjas

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro lead the team using a very effective interpersonal skills, and this ability make him a strong asset to his management and customers. He is able to cope with multi-disciplinary and complex subjects within committed timeframes, budget and specifications. His positive attitude makes him as well a very enjoyable team member to work with

Helvio Santos

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

Alessandro is a detail-oriented professional that doesn't lose sight of the big picture. He helped me in a project requiring data analysis and provided important insights.

Marina Netto Campos

Recomendação via Linkedin

25 de Março de 2022 às 18:08

“Alessandro is one of the best sales professionals I met. From planning to execution, he has a deep understanding of channel management. Alessandro is a great team worker and a natural leader, conducting his teams to excellent results.”

Victor Conde

Foi ótima!

23 de Fevereiro de 2022 às 15:03

Abriu novos horizontes.

Rafael Lima Duarte Futzuki

Recomendação via Linkedin

23 de Fevereiro de 2022 às 15:03

Alessandro was the first Executive at Oi I had opportunity to met and since the begining he demonstrated a deeply knowledge of the SMB channel he was leading at that time and created the best environment to bring the partnership between RIM and OI to a upper level inside the company. He is loyal and commited with the team and results he is responsible for. For sure I strong recommend him.

Moacyr Queirolo

Recomendação via Linkedin

23 de Fevereiro de 2022 às 15:03

Alessandro is a highly commited professional, extremely focused and great ability to manage multi functional teams while dealing with extreme pressure. Excellent skills in finance and seniority makes him a valuable asset to any company.

Luiz Alberto Lopes

Principais números

270 minutos

Tempo de mentoria realizado

5,0/5 (50)

Avaliação média


Alta Performance Business Development Canais De Vendas Cloud Gestão De Vendas Go-To-Marketing Marketing Digital Vendas B2B

Onde já esteve

  • Head of Google for Education - South America


Mais informações

(50 avaliações)

R$ 500,00/hora